Two woman, Anita Holzberg and Ann Wainwright met over the internet with Bill Costley,
their common friend, whose wife Carolin had been Ann's good friend. Starting in
June '09, Anita sent a Cupcake poem to Ann's website cakecakecake, after seeing
the photo of cupcakes. The poem was about her grandson's first birthday party. Ann
liked that and it was the start of a wonderful exchange of poems from Anita to Ann and
Ann with color, photos, and lay-out savvy, presented them to the blog. Now, in 2010,
the two women so alike in spirit and interests, have started BetweenFriends, a new blog
site where they can combine ideas about their worlds. Ann lives in Northern UK
(Teesside). Anita lives in Northern California, Sunnyvale, (Silicon Valley where all the
computers are.) We share our lives on this blog and hope you will comment and share
yours too, dear readers and enjoy the "ride".

Friday, 13 January 2012

I Hold These Close - Anita

In new shoes I walk
across the crowded room

Strangers become friends
People rush in
In an instant I have a lunch partner

In new shoes I scope
  all things that touch my life

I hold these close
 close as the rain on the roof
 as warm slipper wrap
 as quilts cover
 as steam comes out of a tea kettle
 as herbal blueberry tea hits my lips
 as time rolls like a infinite cloud
 as going and coming are the same
 as seas rock
 as sneakers on my feet roll
 as placid as the fleeting morning
 as congruent as lines drawn
 as sweet as your lips
I hold all things close

A delicate balance between yearning and loving 

A delicate balance between sorrow and happiness

A delicate balance between toast and the morning coffee

I am comforted by my words to thee.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg

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