Two woman, Anita Holzberg and Ann Wainwright met over the internet with Bill Costley,
their common friend, whose wife Carolin had been Ann's good friend. Starting in
June '09, Anita sent a Cupcake poem to Ann's website cakecakecake, after seeing
the photo of cupcakes. The poem was about her grandson's first birthday party. Ann
liked that and it was the start of a wonderful exchange of poems from Anita to Ann and
Ann with color, photos, and lay-out savvy, presented them to the blog. Now, in 2010,
the two women so alike in spirit and interests, have started BetweenFriends, a new blog
site where they can combine ideas about their worlds. Ann lives in Northern UK
(Teesside). Anita lives in Northern California, Sunnyvale, (Silicon Valley where all the
computers are.) We share our lives on this blog and hope you will comment and share
yours too, dear readers and enjoy the "ride".

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Flowers of my Heart - Anita

If carnations reign
 and tulips are second
   lilies are third

Flowers of my heart designed
      to live one more time
             to hear the beating of
the rain
    while you hold the umbrella
         while you run for the car
I stand up straight
   straighter than before
My height 5.6inches tall
    as you start all there is to start

I wanted to be your friend
so much more was happenning here
the lutes are playing
the bells are ringing
time waits for the balloon to take flight
I wanted to be your friend
You reached out to me
Compassion is the link
In dark glasses, I start my day
They become rose=colored with the thought
of you out there" rushing in your own river"
as I rush in mine.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg 

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