In truth
the day begins
the pains go away
we have a clean slate
we can conquer the next horizon
Like fish we swim
Looking towards the light
Light shimmers
Light beckons
Light becomes something more
I listened to my friend
She endured a lot
We traveled many miles together
now, separate lives
We come together sometimes
Life is about chance and change
Never underestimate intuition
I live by my gut
I hear the sequences
I pray for the good outcomes
In the summer of now
I come up with a plan
To live every day
To experience what life is about
To love with a full heart
To help others
To open doors with my mind
To weep with friends
To stand free of criticism
To love myself more
and to hug my grand kids
who are our future
Their beautiful faces welcome
make me feel more alive!
Anita Schiffman Holzberg
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