Two woman, Anita Holzberg and Ann Wainwright met over the internet with Bill Costley,
their common friend, whose wife Carolin had been Ann's good friend. Starting in
June '09, Anita sent a Cupcake poem to Ann's website cakecakecake, after seeing
the photo of cupcakes. The poem was about her grandson's first birthday party. Ann
liked that and it was the start of a wonderful exchange of poems from Anita to Ann and
Ann with color, photos, and lay-out savvy, presented them to the blog. Now, in 2010,
the two women so alike in spirit and interests, have started BetweenFriends, a new blog
site where they can combine ideas about their worlds. Ann lives in Northern UK
(Teesside). Anita lives in Northern California, Sunnyvale, (Silicon Valley where all the
computers are.) We share our lives on this blog and hope you will comment and share
yours too, dear readers and enjoy the "ride".

Friday, 3 October 2014

Rain - Anita

White rain
 wind and shadow
red rain
 soft and fleeting
purple rain
  undulating and ominous
green rain
   springs and memory
yellow rain
   sun-filled and showering

We walk in the rain
Sometimes fierce, sometimes romantic

Like shadows we seek
Undercurrents of a past life

In This Morning - Anita Holzberg

Cool sunless dark morning
Fall scurries in
The pumpkins are already in the stores
The squash is going to be a soup
In this morning
When there are no chirping of the birds
When silence pervades this house
I feed my cats
The past rushes in
Fall was my opening of the first day of school
Fall the Jewish holidays
Fall, resolutions and promises
I promise to live life fully
To catch the shimmer of light
To stand tall
To be a friend to all
To never be a shadow
To become something more every day
What about You?

Anita Schiffman Holzberg 

Thursday, 4 September 2014

A Poem by Anita

 cool 56 degrees
time is marching
Fall mornings
September is a month of new beginnings
August 31, my daughter's birthday
39 years young
Neighbors coming today
Appetizers in the yard
Lemonade and brie
chips and bean dip
coconut shrimp
sandwiches from Whole Foods
Mini tarts
Beer and wine flowing
Can I ask for more?

Anita Schiffman Holzberg

clutter - Anita

clutter comes softly
  not all of a sudden
ooh ah the kitchen table can't be seen
ooh ah the kitchen counters are non existent

Removing clutter is painful
One piece at a time
Sometimes don't know where it should go
A 5 bedroom house for one person
All closets packed

Clutter is somewhat shameful
How did I get all this mess
Was I sleeping?

Removing clutter, the spaces cleared
is cathartic
Until we meet again.

In This Moment - Anita Holzberg

In this moment
 when sky begets sky
when swallows touch other trees
time moves us
we are never the same
I don a thicker skin to ward off the deamons
I enter into a peaceful retreat
where meditation and bliss are encountered
In almost 70 years I review my life
so much of it was poetry
4 lovers
2 grand kids
2 daughters
1 husband
   published somewhat
shadows the day with pain in the knee
I keep on going
like a deer stepping slowly
always getting to my destination

How about You?

Anita Schiffman Holzberg

Recolor your life - Anita

If we could recolor our lives
 I would start out in orange and go to green
I would reinvent my many loves
I would stand at another beach and watch
  the waves of my childhood
I would sell my soul to the highest bidder
I would play mahjong til dusk
I would enjoy my sunset years
I would never speak the word, "old"
I would cherish friends as family
I would redecorate my soul
I would find happiness in every day
I would embrace memory and the present
I would breathe freely

This I hope for my dearest friends.

Living, a poem - Anita Holzberg

In truth
 the day begins
  the pains go away
we have a clean slate
we can conquer the next horizon
Like fish we swim
Looking towards the light
Light shimmers
Light beckons
Light becomes something more

I listened to my friend
She endured a lot
We traveled many miles together
now, separate lives
We come together sometimes
Life is about chance and change
Never underestimate intuition
I live by my gut
I hear the sequences
I pray for the good outcomes

In the summer of now
I come up with a plan
To live every day
To experience what life is about
To love with a full heart
To help others
To open doors with my mind
To weep with friends
To stand free of criticism
To love myself more
and to hug my grand kids
who are our future
Their beautiful faces welcome
 make me feel more alive!

Anita Schiffman Holzberg 

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Anita's gorgeous cat Mocha!

Poem of the Moment - Anita

In truth
 the yellow brick road is paved with stars
toothpaste tastes good after salsa
raincoats are not only for rainy days
purple clothes are not only for old people
daisies are not wild flowers
acceptance is the way to be
shoveling papers is a very hard job
sorting socks is another hard job
In the moment we can deal with everything
In the sea of remembrance I see your face
Noting down important occurrences is a good thing
Be kind and you will get what you deserve!

Softly - Anita Holzberg

softly the rain is falling
the lawn chairs are glistening
softly the day begins
with memory with affirmations
softly the cat under my feet
softly the stars fade and fog begins
softly the summer goes
It is
August already
so many stress free days
softly the day engages
and the night waits to begin again
softly my heart feels happy
softly your heart is in my heart
there, is nothing greater than that.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

A joint poem by Anita and Ann

Summer comes but once a year
                                       once a year
   Cheer, Cheer, Cheer

Sun's out Sun's out
Oops a thunderstorm
Run and hide
Dogs take cover!

Mocha never leaves the house
No thunder storms in summer in
  Northern California
Mocha waits for the sun to stream in
6 AM she wakes and by 9, the house
  is sunny and beautiful for her body
        to lie in the sun's rays

Mona rolls on the grass
Something good and smelly she has found
Barney fights her for A dog chew
George looks on
King of the dogs

In this summer 
No picnics no swims
Cool evening breezes
The air conditioner hums
The trumpet vines pop
Picchu princess of the backyard
All black with white markings
Meets me at 6AM

Quick picnic in the rain
On the Westwood.
Torn bread, salami slices
And parmesan flakes
Very tasty
In sight of the racecourse
All the dogs bark at once 

BBQ's a happening
Mocha meets my neighbor 
Gets pets and cuddles basks in the attention
Moves quietly like the soulful older she is

Raining again.
Dogs sleeping after a busy day of barking
And running.
Going home soon.

No rain middle of draught
Lawns dying 
Trees still green
Holding on
Time was when
Winter rain came. Not this year. Mocha knows no difference. 

The house Frau is Mocha!

Sea noises

Blue grey water
A seagull hovers
On a current.

At the nail place
Leave. Mocha travel by car
Nice breeze today.  Getting a nice pink color
And fresh look
Far from the ocean.  Cool Saturday day out.   

Dogs asleep now. Tired out. Snoring. 

Dishwasher swooshing in the background. 
Time for sleep.

In - Anita Holzberg

In stanzas I sing
In my big chair I meditate
Everyone should have a chair like that

In tulips, I carry
In wind,, I fly
In heat, I perish
In cool, I am revived
In friendship, I am happy
In grand kids, I am ecstatic
In walking, I am tetoring
In thinking, I am sound

In all creatures big and small
I show love

In daylight I thrive
In night light, I rest

Life is about the small victories
Putting in a battery
Slicing some cheese
Eating an a oear

Rejoice in what you have!

Have a wonderful day.

Tomorrow- Anita Holzberg

I will pass the torch to tomorrow
I will stand in the rain with an umbrella
I will follow what generations have told me
I will take what I have and run with it
My legacy is my poetry and my grand kids
Owen and Evie will become writers
I will have started that spark within their young minds
Tomorrow will be
A World unto itself
For today's goodness speaks
Like a singing bell on the face of dawn.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg 

What is God? - Anita

I was having my BLT Sandwich
  between the crunch
    my good friend Karen
described to me why Jesus died
and how he had the greatest gift of fore giveness
"God is love she said. It is everywhere,
mts., valley, streams, in the eyes of friends and family
we can see love and feel love.
We had been to this restaurant and had lunch so many times
It was our hang out
The intensity in how she spoke
Her whole face lit up like Christmas
Such a loving good person, my friend
She spoke totally from the heart.
When we left...I could not top this
No amount of shopping could ever compare
to that sense of spirituality and total faith!
I drove home slowly
It was 88 degrees
The summer heat on my back and shoulders
The gift of faith as sung by my friend
stayed with will always will.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

In the saturated sun flowered day - Anita Holzberg

In the saturated sun flowered day
   I wake
        at 4
                 feed the cats
sleep again til 7
  open the curtains to direct sun
    walk on the deck
         the trumpet vines are blooming
              and the snails raise their heads
         a garden that goes on its own
               "low maintenance"
    like everything this summer
              "low key"
                     as another day begins
          a song in my heart
                thinking of You.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg 

Monday, 7 July 2014

The Open Summer - Anita Holzberg

The Open Summer

As the crow flies
 as lemons make lemonade
as the heat rises to 100 degrees

I live the open summer

No schedules
 no waiting in line
    a nap every afternoon
people and places to go not determined

Life is about appreciating these small ammenities

Taking care of the soul
  I call it
I read a good book and relish every page
I meditate twice a day and find my center

I surround myself with silence

Some days I chose a favorite person for lunch

The cool evenings I wrap myself in a comfy blanket
Put the cat by my side

Watch oodles of girl t v

And watch the clock strike midnight
close the light
drift off to sleep.*B-) cool

Anita Schiffman Holzberg

Saturday, 10 May 2014

The Book Group - Anita

They came
  no one holding the book
    Ritual Bath
no one ringing the bell
everyone having read the book
  some returned it to the library
Everyone with a positive take on
   the book
A positive vibe in the room

My room, my home
The home of a writer
Having a book club for the first time
The house where there were workshops
   of poetry, birthday parties, retirement celebrations
My house where people did not want to leave

I polished the coffee table
  I moved the clutter
vacuumed the carpet
I went to the store and bought humus, and veggies,
  cookies, and strawberries and some mango too

I was so proud to have the book club
This home came home to roast

And the evening went
the decaf coffee downed
the guacamole eaten
so swiftly the evening left

I sat in my arm chair
Admiring the house
Another party another successful
Yes, my house did shine 
  for that very moment!

Anita Schiffman Holzberg

softly the bird hovers - Anita Holzberg

Softly the bird hovers
  The tea is in the mug
Slowly, the curtains open
The sky emerges
The sea is tranquil
I pack up this house

Everything about those books
Are memories
Poetry books and History books
All lined up
Waiting to be read again
How can I bear to take them out of view?

These books stood the test of time
When everyone left
I took out Neruda's Love poems
Remembering your face
when you
gave it to me
We saw the movie Il Postale
You loved Neruda as much as I did
Still-- I love you & Neruda
Like breathe itself
Packing it away now
I have my memories
Stronger than life itself.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

A poem by Anita

Time comes
 Time goes
You were there for me to start my heart
Love is the answer
When you have a love like that
You are totally, totally changed

In that moment

sky and water collide
ships come into the night
a hummingbird stays true to its nature
fluttering among friends
the horizon is clear
the comings and goings are
what they should be
honest and free.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

A Poem by Anita

In the comings and goings
I take my leave
To particularly feel the waves of the ocean
To climb the nearest tree
To open arms, palms up
To establish a peace with the universe
To stand in the opening of sky
To wander into the flame of a new day
I take these moments to understand
Silence speaks
God is around the corner
always Listening.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg

Monday, 28 April 2014

Softly - Anita Holzberg

I arise
 it is 6 AM
The cat is meowing for food
So is Picchu
I feed the cats
Yes, Debbie, I did it
The raging has stopped
The feet feel almost normal
I fold my laundry
Put it on the walker and 
Go to the computer
Write these lines
Flowing like silk
In a morning after a raging body
The sky is clear
Patches of light fold into my vision
How are you Today?

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Thursday, 24 April 2014

A poem by Anita

Quietly, I pack the house up
the Activia in the trash
 down the hatch
the lights all extinguished
the reading done
10:30 is when I turn out the lights
Little Mocha sleeping on a pillow beside me
Asleep for hours
Until Midnight when I get up
The cat wakens also
She is always by my side
In the middle of the night
My trusted companion
In the day not too far from reach
Quietly, I dim the lights
Its been a lovely day
My dear friend Aya for tea
My dear Dr. Chi and Julie hoovering over me
Like incredible watch dogs
I feel better now
I feel the strength returning to my life
I stand at attention to the rising of the sun
I wait for the house to quietly say goodnight
I am not afraid to be alone
The burning has almost stopped
a minor miracle I am witnessing
Just as the end of the day there is peace
love tranquility
trust of oneself
One more evening.
Quietly the house says "good night."

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

A Poem by Anita (and a photo by Ann)

In taking the oath of silence
I walk these floors
I do not complain
Life is bigger than pain
Life is bigger than sorrow
The inside spirit matters
Emily Dickinson wrote about her lovely
garden feeling pain every day
She was en-firmed
I sing to the trees
Open hearts
Open limbs
Carry me to another place
And the place is like a green meadow
No obstacles to walking
Just peace.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg 

Tomorrow - Anita Holzberg

 the windows will be open
The tea on the glass table
The words will be moving swiftly
The company will be compassionate
I write these lines
Like unfathomable peace
A covenant I make with myself
As the day begins
The night of pain fades
I stand in the moment
sending messages to sky.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg

In The Interim - Anita

The light filters through the trees
How many years typing my poems
My yard a big part of my existence
The trees have been my shelter
The deck my refuge
The roses blooming my jewels
How fortunate I am to have this yard
The days are beset with health challenges
Yet, I find the space to be grateful
I find the time to recognize what is good
I read now with 3.25 readers
The Ritual Bath and it is the first real book
I have read in 2 years
The story compelling
In finding solutions I find the strength
To walk, to go another mile
My world is good
How about yours?