Two woman, Anita Holzberg and Ann Wainwright met over the internet with Bill Costley,
their common friend, whose wife Carolin had been Ann's good friend. Starting in
June '09, Anita sent a Cupcake poem to Ann's website cakecakecake, after seeing
the photo of cupcakes. The poem was about her grandson's first birthday party. Ann
liked that and it was the start of a wonderful exchange of poems from Anita to Ann and
Ann with color, photos, and lay-out savvy, presented them to the blog. Now, in 2010,
the two women so alike in spirit and interests, have started BetweenFriends, a new blog
site where they can combine ideas about their worlds. Ann lives in Northern UK
(Teesside). Anita lives in Northern California, Sunnyvale, (Silicon Valley where all the
computers are.) We share our lives on this blog and hope you will comment and share
yours too, dear readers and enjoy the "ride".

Friday, 25 February 2011

Thursday, 17 February 2011

JIM - Anita Holzberg

nor rain, or hail
stop or go
I see your face
your genuine smile
that is enough that I keep going

Time the gaunt executioner
I think not
Time on your side
Like the coming of Spring
the reawakening of Jim
I start my day
life is about starts and stops
goings and comings
resigning to do this
steps to you
a daily occurrence
and the peace that comes
never ever imagined.

Anita S. Holzberg
Feb. 17th (car accident anniversary
alive and well.)

Exercise Class - Anita Holzberg

marching in exercise class
exuding a dance, a squeeze of the chest
how I just take this for granted

Since October, twice a matter how
I feel I am there

Rigorous it is not
I barely make the cut with the bulk being mid 70's and '80
they are more adept than I

Rapid river grunt
its exercise class and the laughing is done with a kind
exercise teacher
who gives us health tidbits along the way
coctails to continue
no matter the weather, mood, or tempo.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

what is it about a dream - Anita

What is it
About a dream
that streams continuously
the long lean body of memory
pushes her forward
like silk in the wind
just before the rainstorm
just before the photographs
of the mind are taken?

What is it about
a dream
of you and me

I am thee
scenes from an unfinished movie
the happy ever after ending

What is it?
About the dream
Today I see you sleeping like a baby
with whiskers
somehow they like your furry
somehow I watch you day
in day out
a brain reawakening
hands and feet moving
a body that refuses to say die.

It is mid night now
the scenes of three months pack a movie house
they rattle my brain sometimes
they bring a seething panic to my body
however, the dream on its fours
comes by
visits me in those desperate hours
making me
sane and focused
on your recovery
however big or small
however permanent
or ephemeral
the dream stays
the winds come
the rain washes
the sun comes out
the rainbows
that are made in heaven
in prayer
in love
What it is about a dream?

Anita Schiffman Holzberg
February 15, 2011

Monday, 14 February 2011

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Happy Birthday Anita!! xx

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Anita poem


I am the noun and verb
until you speak
you are the noun and verb
your speech so correct, so much thinking

I thank G-d for that

today you said
"I love you" it clearly meant that

Time is a wash
We are at another threshold

I thank my friends who believed in Jim's return
I thank myself for always going to his bedside
even in the tough times

Life is a leaf
a series of leaves building
nests of leaves
make a house
with my love,
I made for thee a house.........
sturdy and true

I praise God for thee
for me and you.

Anita S. Holzberg
Feb. 13, 2011

Picchu. "Come In" - Anita Holzberg

In this still night
where the wildlife plays
when the temperature goes way down
Picchu comes in
sleeps on my bed
she loves the new quilt

In this still night
where waxing and waning
what is
what was far behind

You said "I love you" today
to me
all the days before pale
all the hopes ride on this phrase

Last year a movie and a simple dinner for
Valentine's Day was our menu
This year another day at the hospital
waiting for tubes to leave is our present
and intensive rehab to begin

I can not fast forward
I can only stay in the present
every day another step
another nuance of
recovery for You

The mad hatter of the mind
goes nowhere
only the still night
I will get Picchu
to spend the night
as you sometimes did
a black tuxedo cat
company and entertainment
that's what I need
"Come in Picchu, Come in."

Anita S. Holzberg
Feb. 12, '11

Saturday, 12 February 2011

A Night Time activity - Anita

Hither and Yon
I take this time to remember
how we used to be

6:30 TV News
lamb chops and asparagus
baked potato
vanilla ice cream

a sit by the den
real coffee

I take this time to thank you
for all those evenings
as clear as silk
as love walked in
and drew a circle around us
we knew it was special
we really did.

In the interim
I keep the fires burning
the hope alive
that someday we will be together
in this fashion
holding hands
in my den
watching the news
and just being
in the scheme of time.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg

What if... - Anita Holzberg

What if
showers were on my path
sun was intermittent
your face no longer
your brain somewhere out to lunch

What if
my stance had not been positive
my war with words negative
my heart not focused and directed

What if
this topsy turvy world
continued to happen
as you got well
every day
we press the forward position
as your life unfolds
in its place

Anita S. Holzberg
Feb. 12, '11

Learnintg to Love Again - Anita Holzberg

Learning to love
is like learning to walk
learning to speak
the spaces open
the heart speaks
the w o r d s
in the s p a c e s
that begin


Thank You poem - by Anita

In the interim
camellias bloom
it is February in Northern California
66 degree temperature floods the horizon
with warm sun
I take this time to thank the universe for Jim's survival
and comeback
It is that curtain of humanity that has helped
all the prayers and good thoughts

Life is full of good thoughts now
as I start a new day
I send good thoughts to you.

Friday, 11 February 2011

"Whom can I ask what I came
to make happen in this world?"

Pablo Neruda

World Union-Anita

World Union
They came
from Australia and the UK
from Switzerland and Israel
from all parts of the US
For one purpose
one goal
to sponsor Judaism around the world
to help impoverished nations
to hear the Covenant
to step outside in the clear San Francisco Air
to become one with Rabbis and scholars
to echo peace to nations of Jews suffering

We are the light
We can make miracles happen
Grow Jewish roots around the world

Anita S. Holzberg/poet/teacher

To Be Vested - Anita Holzberg

To be vested
to be vested in a purpose
to be vested in mind, body, purpose

I come to thee
on the wings of change
on tip toe
on solid ground
on whispers of hope and prayer

In standing tall
I come to thee
like a tall tree unwavering
like a fragrant rose
sturdy and steadfast

You may not believe this
You may only see the trace of
my face
hear my voice
however, you will hear
the voice of love
the passion of a caring heart
for thee
Anita S. Holzberg
Feb. 10, '11

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Often-Anita Holzberg

in the hard times
in the time when rain fills my heart
I go to music
create music to h e a l

when feelings go under a rug
when feet go numb
when solace is in a cup of coffee
drunk slowly before a day starts
my vision
I find a place to take classes

In the meantime
I pray for thee
I pray for thee and me
the feathers ruffled
not down
I walk on purposeful feet
to get you well.


Westin Market Street-Anita Holzberg

In the sea of people
I sit at a bar
the room filled with chatter
I quietly have my cappuccino
I eat a plate of cheese
World Union is all around me
business people too
I wait for the Cheese plate and
walnut bread sliced thin
I eat a few roasted almonds
a bite of cheese
a bread full of butter

It has been a while since I've even
been to a classy hotel
this Westin 4 star
a class act
in every demeanor
in all that I saw there
comfortable bed, flat screen TV
a bunch of munchies
glasses like wine glasses

in the end
we come home again
sweet home
with ourselves
no matter
a white robe on my back
I am free.

Anita S. Holzberg
After a Mini Vacation

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

I have stopped fighting who I am - Anita Holzberg

I dust myself off
I stand at attention
the battles still continue

I have put down my arms for myself
I have stopped fighting who I am

The by product is no anxiety

The by product is happy thoughts

In the end we all want to be happy
Happiness is ephemeral like the fleeting winds
or the sea before us
Ocean sized thoughts today for peace and tranquility
Peace is important too.


Anita poem

In the meanderings
in the cool pools that I dare to swim
in the wrestling of new ideas
as they present themselves

Inertia is moving forward now
the days of watch and wait continuing

I was walking a bad dream
I am waking now with another dream

Promise is the word
we can take away the wind
but the wind and momentum will find me

I am strong, my back to the wind
my limbs stronger
my heart in the winning position


It is what it is I speak to myself thorugh my journals-Anita

The icing of the cake
rolls off my tongue
the chocolate drips
on my chin
I was not supposed to dance with sugar
I hold these moments close
as I speak to myself these days
I never wanted to be alone
I speak to myself through my journals
and find I am my best
friend now
that Jim is away

The doors of the mind open
They rest on silver tongues
that are silent now
as the sea of memory

Reality is quiet halls
stilled mornings
Picchu holdings
open space..................


Monday, 7 February 2011


what is your favorite poem or photo on the blog and why?

Anita and Ann bloggers want to know

Win an Anita CD Enter IN worth $12. Done in 2010 of
recent poems and orginal piano music and playing by
Anita, produced by Barry Schwam, his music also. 50
poems about love and loss, nature and spirituality,
promises, children's poems, and poems that are endings.
Check out "Green Peace", "Enter IN", "3 Kisses."

We want to know you, our readers. Entries

email __________________________________
Short response (1,000 words or less)

Thank you for being a trust reader
If you win, we will contact you and ask for your address
to send you my CD.

Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Anita poem

In the writings to You
I find my strength
my seat of power
my soul washing the windows of time
my best effort
is through these lines.

Feb. 7, '11

'How many churches are there in Heaven?'

Pablo Neruda

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Life gives us answers
We do not even dare to ask
Life gives us lessons
We do not even care to take
Life unfolds before us
each day, takes on another
"a bad hair day" "a walk in the sun day"
"a eat myself unto a grave day" "a romance
with the stars day"
We can not fathom who we are
or why we are apart of the great organic
flow called nature's footprint.

Matisse poem - Anita Holzberg

In these stayed and true places
A Matisse painting with its chariot
hearts beating on the horizon
I find my p e a c e

Its hard now
not to worry
when worry is my mode

I switch to the Matisse
a chariot with blues and pinks
the warrior
I have been

It is h e r e
across from this painting
I have done my best
for me and thee.

Matisse sees.

Feb. 7

Sacred Spaces - Anita Holzberg

Sacred Spaces

In those sacred
s p a c e s

I walk

The footsteps far and few
b e t w e e n

I walk in this path

paved with

good intentions

sometimes tread marks

on sand

to be washed away

by rain or ocean


tread marks for thee.

Anita S. Holzberg
Jim's amazing recovery
Feb. 5, 2011

A Story Unfolding - Anita Holzberg

Walking those rooms
Down the hospital floors
Running after nurses
I have my purpose
my work cut out for me

Suddenly, the patient heals
He is at a different level
I hold my head high
like my mother before me
and wait and watch
the drama unfold
Jim you are like a flower unfolding
A story to be told
generations of strength
I pour my love into thee
Now you have it
I can step back
and breathe

Life has its own brand of wonder
Wonder brings us the peace.


Hope - Anita Holzberg

Writing in the dark
bringing the light through words that hit the page

Words that I wrote for Jim
"And the little bird without words, sings my song"
performed in Poetry and Song

These months later, no speech

Jim got me to that performance
my feet went numb and he drove me

Jim told me to go back to teaching
to not stop working
I am working now
going back to school

Jim walks in my head
every day
what he said to me for me
my best rooter
the soul of my soul
the chemistry of mind and body
the waking of friendship
every inch I am there for thee

Monday morning, Tuesday Morning every
day, my heart is there for thee

You deserve a good life
I am holding up the light
for thee.

Hope Springs Eternal

Anita S. Holzberg
Feb. 7, '11

Flashes of Light are on my Path - Anita

In sickness and in health
I know the meaning of the word
as I push forward
over 75 days
but whose counting

The threads of the soul shimmer
the feet are numb
the days without your face responding
I go forward into the light
for the feeling is good now
the progress monumental
the trip back for you
for me somethimes an inigma

Flashes of light are on my path
I follow them
blind to this story
watching it unfold
every day
the story of You
before my eyes.

Feb. 7, 2011

Mind over Matter - Anita Holzberg

In the banks of the river
I came
like a peace-giver
like a person of the cloth of nature
like a friend for all seasons

In the closet of the mind
no one can fathom
what is stored there
good thoughts
take anxiety to the cleaners
and the straight shot mind
refurbishes and rewinds.


My anxiety went away

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Sleep time

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Saturday, 5 February 2011

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

coffee Yes! - Anita Holzberg

There is nothing like that first
cup of coffee
brewed to perfection

I chose Duncan Donuts coffee
a medium blend
oh, sounds of love came
out of that pot
which I drank to its entirety

An hour later
brewed another pot
not the same jolt.

Readers what is your experience with coffee?

Anita S. Holzberg