Two woman, Anita Holzberg and Ann Wainwright met over the internet with Bill Costley,
their common friend, whose wife Carolin had been Ann's good friend. Starting in
June '09, Anita sent a Cupcake poem to Ann's website cakecakecake, after seeing
the photo of cupcakes. The poem was about her grandson's first birthday party. Ann
liked that and it was the start of a wonderful exchange of poems from Anita to Ann and
Ann with color, photos, and lay-out savvy, presented them to the blog. Now, in 2010,
the two women so alike in spirit and interests, have started BetweenFriends, a new blog
site where they can combine ideas about their worlds. Ann lives in Northern UK
(Teesside). Anita lives in Northern California, Sunnyvale, (Silicon Valley where all the
computers are.) We share our lives on this blog and hope you will comment and share
yours too, dear readers and enjoy the "ride".

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Anita's poem

In truth
the sea of humanity is vast
the olive branch is there
the infinite sense of community
rests on the shadow of time

In truth
finding friendship
in the path
where friendship is gone
a welcome fete

I lost my best friend
for whatever reason
he is gone
the life I had is gone

Tomato soup lunches
strawberry salads
strong coffee at dinner

all these things gone

the light from within ever forceful
the love for Jim from within.

Anita S. Holzberg
December 28, '10

Shivering doggo in a blanket

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Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Ann. A bit tired after Xmas!

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Anita's happy poem!

In peace I come
like the budding rose
I find a soft chair to sit on
the cushion warm

My hot pot bubbles as the water
with be put in an English
cobalt blue tea pot

Miyu and Maskaki
will romp in my house and their
eyes will find the piano
soon there will be music
the fingers of little kids

The years go by
5 years these wonderful neighbors
from Japan
next door, by my side.

Anita Schiffman Holzberg
December 27, 2010

In Twilight - Anita Holzberg

In twilight I came to expect
a friend, a visitor, a compatriot
room fulls of humor

In twilight I do some shopping
race out the door
Your face here no more

Anita S. Holzberg

Saturday, 25 December 2010

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Poem by Anita

Warmth and friendship
good companionship
I wait for this every year

You and Al
the Mother Rooster and Father hen
watch over us.

I left richer for having spent the evening

I am filled with the vision
that if Lily can heal
Jim can find his way back, too

Seeds of change are in the air
the wind is non-existent
this Christmas Eve Night

The stars dance
the freedom to be
soft, yet strong
at your elegant table.

Anita S. Holzberg
Christmas Eve at Inge's and Al's

Blessings at Christmas

Anita Holzberg/ Poet/teacher/friend

Moments like these - Anita Holzberg

Moments like these
another day at the hospital
in and out recognition by JIM
more out then in

Brought in my music box
cranked it up
"We Wish You A Merry Christmas"
it cheered me up
not JIM
too soon to hear this.

Somehow, I left the hospital
I just walked out in the 60 degree air

In the walking
I remembered who we were together
a power couple
each of us wielding our own power
no codependency here

It worked for us
the days together flooded my face
and the tears also.


Anita S. Holzberg
Day 36
Christmas Eve

Happy Christmas, Ann

Friday, 24 December 2010

Happy Christmas :)

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Thursday, 23 December 2010

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Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Poem for the New Year - Anita Holzberg

The world is still star bound
The river rides up the mountain
Sweet bee sounds around the campfire

I anchored down
I propped my head on pillows
The wind did not touch my toes
I made some bean soup
With a breast of chicken that sung in a
Sea of asparagus

Words spoke kindness
Like the back of a soft lounge chair
I held your face
Ever so close

Stationary remarks around an oak table

Ring in the New Year.....Cheer upon cheer.

Merry Christmas to all our favourite
readers on our blog!
Happy New Year, too!

Anita and Ann

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Tuesday, 21 December 2010

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Monday, 20 December 2010

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Still Another Day - Anita Holzberg

The rain bucketed down
in the morning hours
I chose to ride to the hospital
31 days
I marched to Intensive Care
like a soldier

31 days I repositioned who I am
who you are too

The rain bucked down today
my heart rode to Santa Clara

still attached

I met Max for the 3rd time
We exchanged hospital war stories
We were fast friends
and see the patient

waiting around
the clock to go in again

under the likely care and feeding
of a nurse
who did her thing
While I waited like a suspended toe dancer
in the wings.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

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Friday, 17 December 2010

Still Another Day - Anita Holzberg

In the interim
I write these lines
Monday morning
I take the music of Andrea Bocelli
as it plays in my kitchen

You are Jim
a cloud swimming
a person who is still A L I V E

and I strive
to bring YOU, JIM
the light=the hope=the compassion


Thanksgiving Wish - Anita Holzberg

Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving 2010
the trees salute me
the sun is on my shoulder
my grandson says please and thank you
the friends I have open their hearts
in my greatest darkest hours
the joy shared for so many years

the world will hang the stars
memories but a wash
staid true blue statements walk
actions speak
the world will open her doors
Enter IN
good wishes
good will
It is a time of hope
as a poet, I pray for thee
in this time
we can create hope.

Anita S. Holzberg
My Thanksgiving Wish 2010

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I carry you - Anita Holzberg

I carry you in my heart
the wind in my
the sea of hope

I carry you in my heart
the storms loom
the rains come down

the photograph
of you
never lost

I carry you as you are my only
connector to myself

I carry you green peace on a turbulent day
I carry you marshmallows on graham crackers
I carry you, a face from within.

On pillows, I will think of you
On street corners, at stop signs
I will remember You

As I take you with me on a journey
of my soul rising and
You, there-- p r o t e c t me

Your look, your glow
will be so so
So Absol u t e l y
Wonder ful!

Time will take you to another place

You will stay with me regardless

Your lips, your smile
will carry me

And you will be carried by me, too.

Anita S. Holzberg
I will carry you
A poem about friendship, love, interconnection
of the highest order.

(October 13, '10)
Words mean more
December 10, 2010

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

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Monday, 6 December 2010

My own snow princess!

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Friday, 3 December 2010

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